STAND | Configure your Stand system!
To furnish and restore means to find a balance between necessity and creativity to find the perfect products for your space and your desires.
The configurator is a tool designed by Azzurra to make the project phase easier: on our website you can study the multiple layouts of Stand shelves and countertop system, changing material finishes and colours: ceramic, wood and metal.
Thanks to a real-time updating image you will find the best fitting configuration for your project. Come try it here!

SHOWER TRAYS SoloDue® | A new technical challenge
The new brand SoloDue® shower trays continue the Azzurra research on thicknesses reduction, looking for the right spot between material strength and formal lightness.With just 2 cm of thicknesses, SoloDue® proves the Azzurra production excellence and put itself among a wide range of customizable products, with 22 different dimensions, tailored on-demand and the original Drip finishing, developed in collaboration with DGO_Diego Grandi Office, which simulates the water drop splash effect.
Come to discover them in preview at our showroom in Milan, Via Giuseppe Sacchi 9!