Azzurra magazine 2022 #1 | Reconsider the bespoke bathroom

Azzurra's identity is in its sartorial approach, in the desire to combine its research on design with the needs of private individuals and professionals. Shower trays, shelves and washbasins can be 'cut' and shaped following vertical, horizontal, diagonal or completely bespoke lines, to adapt to the most complex bathroom furniture projects. The patented Azzurra, COLORS 1250 °, Le malteceramiche®, Luxury technologies give the final touch, designed to enhance the personality of each element through texture and color.

STAND | Configure your Stand system!

To furnish and restore means to find a balance between necessity and creativity to find the perfect products for your space and your desires.
The configurator is a tool designed by Azzurra to make the project phase easier: on our website you can study the multiple layouts of Stand shelves and countertop system, changing material finishes and colours: ceramic, wood and metal.
Thanks to a real-time updating image you will find the best fitting configuration for your project. Come try it here!


SHOWER TRAYS SoloDue® | A new technical challenge

The new brand SoloDue® shower trays continue the Azzurra research on thicknesses reduction, looking for the right spot between material strength and formal lightness.With just 2 cm of thicknesses, SoloDue® proves the Azzurra production excellence and put itself among a wide range of customizable products, with 22 different dimensions, tailored on-demand and the original Drip finishing, developed in collaboration with DGO_Diego Grandi Office, which simulates the water drop splash effect.

Come to discover them in preview at our showroom in Milan, Via Giuseppe Sacchi 9!

piatto doccia solodue
Products made entirely of ceramic characterised by simple, linear aesthetic lines that make them true designer furnishings. A mix of technology, design and production quality with a typically Made in Italy taste but with a special focus on foreign markets. Come and discover our products!